FLOW-TRONIC S.A./N.V.  and BRAAMD Value Long-term Partnership

We continue to strengthen our long-term partnership with FLOW-TRONIC S.A./N.V.    Mr. Clément Dethier,  Flow Expert and Sales Engineer of FLOW-TRONIC S.A./N.V.  stayed at  BRAAMD Headquarters to  conduct product and technical training to our sales, support and engineering teams.


Flow-Tronic and BRAAMD also conducted on site visits  and flow measurement consultations with our customers to present Flow-Tronic flow measurement instrumentations. Flow-Tronic develops, manufactures, and supplies flow measurement instrumentation for the water & wastewater industry. It is internationally recognized as the leading distributor and manufacturer of innovative and accurate liquids flow measuring instrumentation for both open channel and full pipe applications

Hands on training using our Raven-eye demonstration skid was also conducted. Our RAVEN-EYE® Open Channel Demonstration setup was utilized in the said training, as this is a controlled environment but with fully operational RAVEN-EYE® flowmeter, IFQ Monitor, and pump/VFD. We use this flowmeter demo skid for in-house BRAAMD  service technicians and engineers training and client demo as well.

BRAAMD is the Exclusive Distributor of  Flow-Tronic open channel flowmeters in the Philippines.  Contact us for your flow measurement equipment and solutions needs.